The Wall Street Journal quotes Dr. David W. Goodman on Older Adult ADHD

The Wall Street Journal published an article on ADHD in older adults over age 50. Quoted in the article, I helped provide important information on this subject. Highlighting why ADHD needs to be considered in older adults complaining of cognitive difficulties, the article serves to increase public awareness on a disorder clinicians don’t ever consider when seeing older adults.

Fortunately, ADHD in older adults responds very well to the traditional ADHD medicine and therapies. It is so important to get a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation from an expert who understand how to make this diagnosis accurately.

If you are reading this blog, then you are interested in this topic. I encourage you to listen to my NPR interview on ADHD in older adults. It is never to late for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

David W. Goodman, M.D., LFAPA