Dr. Goodman interview on Dan Rodricks show on WYPR Jan 27 at 1pm

I have been invited as an expert on ADHD to participate in an interview on the Mid-day with Dan Rodricks show on WYPR on January 27 1-2pm. This is a live panel discussion that will include Dale Archer M.D., a psychiatrist and writer, to discuss the use of medication and treatment options for ADHD. The discussion is moderated by Dan Rodricks who is a distinguished journalist in Baltimore with a regular feature in the Baltimore Sun newspaper.

Dr. Archer wrote an article online for Forbes on January 6, 2014 on his perspective of ADHD and the overuse of medication and the over-marketing of ADHD. His article highlights and echoes the sentiments of Alan Schwatz in his New York Times article “The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder” published December 15, 2013.

This one-hour program will give me the opportunity to highlight the national and international scientific literature and research on ADHD. I hope to highlight the well documented negative consequences over the course of one’s life with untreated ADHD as reflected in several international prospective studies following ADHD children into young adulthood.

This program promises to be a lively discussion and offers listeners the opportunity to call in with questions. I encourage you to mark your calendar. I believe the program can be accessed online. If you listen, please leave me your comments for feedback.