CVS/Caremark deny prescription for bogus reason

With each passing day, I encounter an increasing number of obstructions by insurance companies to authorize and provide my patients with their much needed medication. In my last blog, I highlighted Sav-Rx bogus reason to deny my patient the authorization to continue effective medication because of a change in policy coverage despite being on this dose for over 6 months .

Today, I’ll highlight CVS/Caremark’s explanation for “canceled” prescription to a patient who was on Vyvanse 70 mg in AM but needed to reduce the dose to 60 mg in the morning because of difficulty falling asleep. Here is the quote for canceling the 60 mg prescription sent to them.

“We were unable to fill this prescription because taking it is not advised based on your allergies, health conditions or potential interaction with another drug you are taking. Please contact your prescriber for assistance.”

While you might think there is legitimacy in this reason under the guise of safety, the fact is that the patient has been on Vyvanse since 2008 and there has been no clinical relevant change in his treatment that merits CVS/Caremark’s reason.

Such denials under the seeming auspicious of patient safety seem to be nothing more than denial of coverage for cost containment, in my opinion.

I encourage patients to call insurance companies and complain. When that doesn’t work, file a one page complaint with the State of Maryland Insurance Commissioner’s office. This office needs to be aware of the denial of treatment by insurance companies with regard to medication treatments for ADHD.

I intend to post more examples of such denials by specific companies along with the quoted explanation of denial. Perhaps someone with influence over this issue will find these examples ample evidence to formally question the insurance coverage of this and other medical treatments.

October is National ADHD Awareness Month and this issue should be part of the discussion. Please make your comments here so I can see if I’m hitting a nerve.