Maine allows medication importation

Despite the controversy about importation of medication, Maine is now the first state in the Union to pass a law allowing the importation of medication from Canada, UK, New Zealand, and Australia.

It now becomes the patient’s viligance to make sure of the legitimacy of the online pharmacy and the quality of the medication. Clearly the motivation for such a law is the burden of medication cost as transformation of the health care system shifts increasing costs to the patients. One of my patient’s mother told me it cost her $1000/month for her adult son’s asthma medication. Clearly people will be going without treatment if costs are exorbitant. So sad.

There is a website to check on online pharmacy credentialing that may be helpful to people when considering importation.

Please understand that this information is provided without any endorsement as to what you should do for your specific medical care. Please check with your individual physician about this issue.

David  W. Goodman, M.D.