Medical Crossfire- 4 videos by experts on adult ADD

Education about ADHD in adults is critical for everyone. In addition to my work in the public sector and assistance to public media (newspaper, magazines, and TV), I’m also involved in teaching physicians how to best identify their patients who have ADHD/ADD. My friend, Anthony Rostain, MD at the University of Pennsylvania and I did a 4 part video series (Medical Crossfire) explaining diagnosis, co-existing psychiatric conditions and treatments, both medication and therapies for adult ADD.

You are invited to view each of the segments here. You will need to register first. Don’t worry if you are not a physician. You will be able to understand the discussion. When you register: under “Profession” click on No Profession; under “Specialty” click on Non-clinical; under degree, well, you choose what’s appropriate.

These segments represent the opinions of internationally recognized experts speaking about the state of the art for this disorder. You will be very well informed after viewing each segment.

As I have said before, let science be the designated driver in the highway of opinions. Thank you again for your interest in my writings. I will be adding these video segments to my website in the near future.