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Neuroscience Education Institute Congress Orlando November 2015 Dr. David W. Goodman presentation on ADHD at international psychiatric conference

I have been honored to be invited back to the Neuroscience Education Institute (NEI) Congress in Orlando, Florida to present some of the latest research on ADHD. Last year when I presented a pre-conference course with Dr. Tim Wilens from Harvard Medical School, there were 1100 attendees at the conference. Most attendees are interested in psychopharmacology in psychiatry and a more knowledgable use of medications to treat a broad range of psychiatric illnesses.

With positive feedback, the NEI requested that I return and give an update on interesting research and emerging diagnostic and treatment issues in ADHD. Two specific topics included in the presentation will be the misuse of ADHD medications in college students and the diagnostic considerations for ADHD in adults over age 50. While stimulant misuse in colleges has a large amount of research with recent publications from Dr. A Arria from the University of Maryland, ADHD in older adults has only a smattering of research for guidance in diagnosis and treatment. I and Dr. Craig Surman at Harvard Medical School have reviewed the world’s english published literature and have a peer-reviewed paper for publication later this year.

I am always excited to present at this conference with attendees so dedicated to expanding and update their knowledge and skills. Besides, this is a fun conference with funny videos and witty speakers. Fun and learning….conferences don’t get better.

David W. Goodman, M.D., FAPA